Implementing InfluxDB IOx, "from scratch" using Apache Arrow, DataFusion, and Rust

Andrew Lamb

It is easier than ever to build new analytic database systems. The trend towards deconstructed databases, high performance interchange standards, and high quality open source components means that cutting edge performance and connectivity is possible without building everything from scratch in a tightly integrated database system. In this talk, we will describe some key technologies such as Apache Arrow, Parquet, DataFusion, and Arrow Flight, and describe how we use them in InfluxData’s new Database system, InfluxDB IOx

Andrew Lamb is a Staff Engineer at InfluxData, working on InfluxDB IOx, and a member of the Apache Arrow PMC. His experience ranges from startups such as Vertica to large multinational corporations and distributed open source projects, and has paid leadership dues as an architect and VP. He holds an SB and MEng from MIT in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.